Chapter 6:
The Triple Whammy and More
Posts made during the first part of her June/July 2017 hospital stay.
County Fair, Maryland 1992
The Triple Whammy:
June 29, 2017
Julie has been experiencing more pain, fatigue, nausea and neuropathy as the cancer and the chemotherapy continue. Towards the end of May she took a break from chemo until we got back from a family trip to California where the whole family would be together. Upon our return, she had another CT scan that showed stability of the cancer. With her pain increasing, it was recommended that she should have a pain pump placed into her spine, which would mean, less overall medication, with better pain control and fewer side effects.
On Wednesday, 21 June, she had an IT pump placed. She felt good afterward and the following day. We did notice a little difficulty with speech and eating before the procedure, and it was a little worse afterward. The next two days we struggled with finding the right balance of pain medication through the pump vs oral vs skin patches as she made the transition to the pump. She started feeling more ill through the weekend. She had lost all her appetite, felt nauseous and had no interest in food. By Sunday, I thought she looked a little grey or blue, so I measured her oxygen levels which were low. We then went to the hospital and we found that she had a large pneumonia on the right, and that tumors in her chest obstructing bronchi were likely the cause. Her speech had also become more difficult to understand and eating more difficult. She was admitted to the hospital for treatment of pneumonia and lack of ability to eat.
Monday she felt a little better, ate a little more, but as the day wore on, she had a greater problem with eating and speaking. By the end of the day Tuesday, we could not understand her speech and she could no longer swallow any pills. Wednesday, yesterday morning, an MRI showed many bone tumors of her skull (some we already knew about) that were large and growing, and starting to press on the brain a little, but not likely yet causing much problem. But also, there was a tumor in the base of her skull, by the right jugular foramen, likely pressing on the right glossopharyngeal nerve, thus causing the paralysis and numbness of her tongue and pharynx, and thus severely impairing her speech and eating.
Sick in hospital bed, June 2017
Today Julie underwent radiation treatments of the tumor at the base of the skull, and the right lung tumor. She will have 9 more treatments over the next two weeks. The hope is that when the tumors shrink that she will recover function of her speech and eating ability, and less bronchial obstruction of the right lung. In the meantime, she is getting total parenteral nutrition, TPN. She may need to have a g-tube placed into her stomach for feedings if she does not recover function of that nerve soon.
I feel very anxious about her right now. This triple whammy of the new pain pump challenges, the obstructive pneumonia, and loosing her ability to speech and eat, has really put her down. The hospital personal, nurses, physicians, and radiation oncology staff have done their best and taken outstanding care of Julie. Thanks to them, we have hope. Thanks to family and friends for the visits, prayers and love, we are hanging on. Thanks to my friends at the pediatric center, I am able to be here with Julie.
Radiation Oncology
June 30, 2017
Julie is speaking a little better today, and able to swallow a little today also. I am having a big personal, cautious celebration.
One of the more fascinating things in medicine is radiation oncology. Julie got her second treatment today. Actually she has done this five times in the past. But today was her second fraction this go around. She has 8 more fractions to go. The staff at Teton cancer radiation oncology are outstanding.
Nate and Eric both trained under Julie's brother Dan Hobbs at ISU, so they treat Julie like a sister and feel privileged to be taking care of her. Lots of love and compassion there.
Nate and Eric
Concerns Today
July 1, 2017
Not sure what to write, I will make brief what is an ocean of thought and feeling. Julie is not doing well today. Even though her pneumonia and basilar skull tumor are being adequately treated, overall she is regressing in other ways, which has grave implications. She is speaking better and breathing at ease, but she has no appetite, she is refusing food and drink. She has increasing pain and needing more pain medication, she has more confusion today, in part due to medication, and in part do to illness. This is an ominous cloud. Her oncology doctor had some kind but frank words for me today.
We have most of our children here this weekend, good timing. Jordan went back to medical school today, starts 2nd year Monday, missing him already. I am so glad Julie has these children, I am so glad to be with them.
Thanks to our friends and family, thanks for your kindness, your visits, and your prayers!
Family Time
July 1, 2017
Julie slept most of the day, she felt very sick whenever she woke up, we kept her comfortable as best we could. We continue to be very concerned and are staying close together as family. We spent several hours together this evening in Julie's room. We talked long, sang two songs together, prayed together, and cried much.
A Holy Day
July 2, 2017
Julie had a more bright expression today, enjoyed our visits. She endured more pain today so that she could be more awake and interact more, it was a very important day for us. Our family was together for the sacrament that was brought into the hospital room. I hesitate to say more about it, as it was a holy occasion.
Jonathan and Emily did a tap dance for Julie. We sang and prayed together. By the end of the day Julie was quite exhausted and uncomfortable, but we have that under control now, and she is resting peacefully.